To celebrate our seventh anniversary, we had Kinn’s birth chart read by Vanessa Hardy. Vanessa is an astrologer, Akashic Records practitioner, and energy healer known for her unique rituals that blend astrology with herbalism and culinary arts, making cosmic energy feel down-to-earth. Her spiritual roots run deep—she discovered her great-great-grandfather’s press printed astrology texts in the 1970s, and her family even held leadership roles in the Astrological Society of Connecticut. Discover her reading of Kinn and how our astrological blueprint guides us to share your stories.
Kinn’s Birth Chart—
Kinn was born under the harmonious influence of a Libra Sun, on the morning of Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Libra transforms the warmth of summer into the crisp pace of fall, guiding us gracefully into the depths of Scorpio season as the veil thins. Kinn is driven by the powerful magnetism of a Scorpio Ascendant, kissed by the expansive energy of Jupiter, igniting a passion for creation and deep connection. This spark of cosmic intensity infuses Kinn’s mission with lasting impact and empowers others to celebrate the milestone of their own journeys.
With thoughtful Venus in Virgo heralding Kinn’s arrival, there is an echo of reverence for rituals and a profound appreciation for quality made items that are meant to last. Venus in Virgo pays close attention to those it cares for, and is always tweaking and reinventing the ways it does so. This attention to detail is a sign of devotion, a fundamental guiding principle of Virgo placements and a way of showing deep care.
On this exact day, Jupiter began a new 12 year cycle in Scorpio, expanding our understanding of the sacred. Here, fortune favors those who invest time and energy in healing and creativity, invoking the magic of talismans and sacred ceremonies into its universe. This placement has an alchemical gift for transforming its experiences into things that are symbolic and everlasting, meant to grow and yield fruit many times over.
Born of a revelation and destined for the spotlight, Kinn moves through the world with a gregarious Sun and Moon pairing in the air signs of Libra and Gemini. This cheerful trine fuels a drive to share stories and laughter, celebrating the many connections and ties that bind. This is a social butterfly placement, only enhanced by a glowing North Node in Leo beckoning Kinn to take the stage to regale the audience with a story of its own, inspiring its community to love loudly and savor every moment.
Yet, with Saturn in Sagittarius forming a dynamic square with Mars in Virgo, Kinn’s mission also has an intensity to it. There is a deep determination here and stamina that endures mightily that propels Kinn towards the pursuit of truth. This placement makes one innately aware of time and its constraints, feeling as though every moment has potential, desiring deeply to make the most of its mission in the world. With this, Kinn’s path is one that blossoms into a radiant life well lived, guiding its community with gratitude, presence and sparkling with joy.