Those Who Mother—Faith & Amy

kinn stories

Those Who Mother—Faith & Amy

As part of our #ThoseWhoMother campaign, we share inspiring stories of mother daughter pairs like Faith and Amy, while exploring their timeless style through our stunning jewelry collection.

Collections In The Story

Faith & Amy's Look

APRIL 12, 2023

A mother is many things, each of equal weight and strength. We are honored to journey with her through everything—wherever she may go. 

Each year, we continue to celebrate mothers of all kinds. Expecting moms, adoptive moms, bonus-moms, those trying so very hard to become moms, moms we’ve lost, moms who make birthdays and Tuesdays special. To aunts, grandmothers, and friends who are like moms—offering guidance and love when we need it the most.

This year, we're sharing the stories of #ThoseWhoMother. First, meet Faith and Amy—and shop what they’re wearing here.

Faith grew up in Jamaica, and moved to England when she was 18 to train as a nurse. When her father passed away at age 36, her mother was left to care for seven children. 

"My mom was the backbone of the family. We were able, through her encouragement, to make a really good life for ourselves." 

While she takes immense pride in daughter Amy’s success as a new mom and makeup artist in London, Faith’s wishes for her children remain simple:

“For you to have a life where you have enough, and to be happy—that’s all.”

And while her children have grown, the joy of motherhood has remained a constant in her life. 

“Life has been very happy for me. I just love you all, and love being a mom and looking after you…life didn’t change [when I became a mom] except for getting better and better all the time.”

Shop Faith & Amy’s looks here.

Those Who Mother - Faith & AmyThose Who Mother - Faith & Amy

Those Who Mother - Faith & Amy
